At this time, this website is only in English, but there will eventually be a mirror version in French. This website is a non-govermental operation, and does not reflect Canadian Government or Department Of National Defence offical policy or opinions. This website is privately funded and donations from site visitors are appreciated.
It shall also be the policy of the Museum to acquire unissued, sample, or sealed patterns of uniforms, insignia and equipment representing the development of dress and equipment of the Canadian Military from 1914 to the present day.
Royal Canadian Navy
Uniform and Clothing Regulations for Petty Officers, Men and Boys, H.M. Canadian Naval Service, Ottawa 1918
Canadian Naval General Orders 1940, 1944
BRCN 108 Uniform Instructions For the Royal Canadian Navy 1951, 1957
BRCN 213 RCN Catalogue of Material Insignia 1957, 1962
BRCN 3047 Manual of Rank Requirements Vol. 1 Leading Seaman and Petty Officer 2nd Class
BRCN 3048 Manual of Rank Requirements Vol. 2 Chief PO 1st Class, Chief PO 2nd Class, Petty Officer 1st Class
Canadian Army
Dress Regulations 1907
Regulations and Instructions for the Clothing of the Non Permanent Active Militia 1926
Dress Regulations 1933
Priced List of Clothing, Necessaries and Badges 1938
War Dress Regulations 1943
Canadian Army Dress Regulations 1953
Financial Regulations And Instructions CASF Article 191 (officers outfit allowance)
Militia General Orders
CEF General Orders
Canadian Army Orders
Canadian Army Routine Orders and Canadian Army Routine Orders (Overseas)
Provost Marshal Circular Letters
Master General of Ordnance Files (Dress)
Canadian Army Manuals of Training 10-1 to 10-4
Royal Canadian Air Force
RCAF Service Police Course Guide 1943
CAP 101 Royal Canadian Air Force Service Police Manual 1943
CAP 6 Royal Canadian Air Force Dress Instructions (various years)
In addition, a number of individuals have contributed to this site, with information, criticisms, artifacts or scans of artifacts. The Museum would like to acknowledge a few of them:
CWO (Retired) Ben Boulet CD, Military Police Branch
And a special thanks to Mr. Jackson D Shaw Jr. for providing a large collection of photographs collected by his father, the late Sergeant Jackson D Shaw CD, Black Watch, RCAF Police and Canadian Forces Military Police.
Any errors in facts or text are the Webmaster's
CWO (Retired) George Elliott MMM, CD, C PRO C and Military Police Branch
SGT (Retired) Garry Roncetti CD, C Pro C and Military Police Branch
CPL (Retired) Jeff Woodruff CD, Military Police Branch
And Jason Ginn, Dwayne Hordij, Clive Law, Neil Martin, Colin Schlachta, Ed Storey, John Swan, Doug Townend and Morley Verdier, for their input and research assistance.
Bryan Williamson CD, Royal Canadian Navy (Retired) for providing images for the Naval pages of this site.
A special thanks to Mr. John W. Findlay for the donation of a large collection of photographs collected by his father, the late Captain James V. Findlay, Canadian Provost Corps.
© 1998, 2013